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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Corset problems already

I was hoping not to have problems with my corset this soon but one of the reasons I started this blog was to try different corsets from different makers and see how each one holds up. Then I am going to start making my own so we can all see the difference and difficulties between each.

So onto to my corset problems my new corset that I got about a month ago, well two weeks of wear and one of the grommets has already come loose! I don't tight lace (yet) or wear my corset all the time so there is no excessive wear and tear. I sent an e-mail to the company so I am going to see how they respond before I name names. I am hoping to buy two new corsets this month and try them out before I start rating them. I have said before that in order to get the best corset you should have it custom made, however a lot of people buy and wear off the rack corsets which are by no means cheap, this one cost me $100.00 so I don't think they should fall apart this easily.. I will see how soon the company responds and what they have to say and keep posting here.

Next week I am going to start looking at fabrics for the home made corset. I know the classic fabric is coutil but that is quite expensive, about $20.00 to 30.00 a yard, so I am going to explore the different fabrics that can be used and the pros and cons of each. I am hoping to be able to make a pretty and strong corset for an affordable price. I am sure it can be done it will just take some time and research to get there.

As always any questions, comments or advise would be appreciated.
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